Way to Update antivirus Avira-
Antivirus software is a must have in our computer
Do not ever feel satisfied when you have the latest antivirus software only. Why?
Indeed, using the latest antivirus software is a step in securing your PC or laptop from virus attacks and their families. But, the new software is only a "machine" new with new scanning capabilities. Typically, the software offers a faster scan process, the addition of new features or interface changes (appearance) alone. Indeed, a new antiviral includes several new virus data (yes note: to date the software is released to the public).
Then what? Most importantly after using the latest antivirus software, update regularly via the official website. Especially if you often exchange files / flash or often use the Internet through a PC or laptop.
Here I show you how to manually update for Avira AntiVir Personal
- Step One. Go to the official website located at http://www.avira.com/ Avira. Then look in the right corner under the heading VDF-UPDATE. Click on "More about VDF".
UpdateVDF VDF Update
- Step two. On the page "Update VDF", click on "Download VDF (Multiple VDF)". Save the file in a location that is easy to remember, wait until the download is complete.
Download VDFDownload VDF
- Step three. Once the download is complete, open the window Antivir Personal menu and select Update> Manual Update. Then navigate to the storage location of the downloaded file and click Open.
Manual updateUpdate> Manual Update
- Wait until the entire update process is done by displaying the following information:
Update Done
Good luck!