Sebaceous cyst (cyst Keratinosa)
Sebaceous cyst (cyst Keratinosa) is a closed sac found just under the skin and contains dead skin, skin excretions, and other parts of the skin.
The cause odf
Sebaceous cyst (cyst Keratinosa) is unknown.
Sebaceous cysts are often derived from the hair root sheath (folilek) to swell.
Injury to the skin can also stimulate the formation of a cyst.
below is pictures of a sebaceous cyst:

These cysts are small and can be found in any body part, but most often appears on the scalp, ears, face, neck, back or scrotum (scrotal).
These cysts palpable rubbery and easily moved, are usually painless.
The color can be yellowish or flesh-colored; if broken will release an oily substance that resembles cheese.
Sometimes an infection.
Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination.
Sebaceous cysts are usually solved by needle puncture or incision scalpel and the contents removed.
In case of infection, before the cyst surgically removed, first administered antibiotics.